28 Nov


Information About Avifloxm

About Avifloxm

Medicine Brand AvifloxM is manufactured by Avalanche and mainly contents the generic drug Metronidazole.



Active Ingredients For Avifloxm

Metronidazole 100mg Ofloxacin 50mg

Diseases List For Which Avifloxm Is Prescribed

This Drug Is Prescribed For Amoebiasis giardiasis trichomonas vaginitis anaerobic infections ulcerative gingivitis Eradication of Hpylori associated with peptic ulcer disease Antibioticassociated coulitis Trichomoniasis Balantidiasis Blastocyatis hominis infection Adjunct to treatment of chronic periodontal infections Rosacea

Other Significations For Avifloxm

This Medication an antibacterial agent prescribed for trichomoniasis amebiasis and other bacterial infections

Precautions To Be Taken Before Avifloxm

Alcohol should be avoided because metronidazole and alcohol together can cause severe nausea vomiting cramps flushing and headache Metronidazole can increase the blood thinning effects of warfarinCoumadin and increase the risk of bleeding probably by reducing the break down of warfarin Cimetidine Tagamet increases blood levels of metronidazole whilecholestyramine reduces blood levels of metronidazole by reducing its absorption Metronidazole should not be combined with amprenavir Agenerase for treating human immunodeficiency disease infection with HIV because amprenavir contains propylene glycol Metronidazole blocks the breakdown of propylene glycol in the liver leading to accumulation of propylene glycol in blood Accumulation of propylene glycol could cause seizures increased heart rate and lead to kidney failure Metronidazole increases the blood levels of carbamazepine Tegretol Tegretol XR Equetro Carbatrol lithium Eskalith Lithobid and cyclosporine though unknown mechanisms Serious reactions may occur if these drugs are taken with metronidazole

Major Conditions And Care

Pregnancy And Avifloxm

Can We Take Avifloxm During Pregnancy?

Pregnancy Class : C Animal reproduction studies have shown an adverse effect on the fetus and there are no adequate and wellcontrolled studies in humans but potential benefits may warrant use of the drug in pregnant women despite potential risks

Lactation And Avifloxm

Can We Use Avifloxm During Lactation

Lactation Class L5 Studies in breastfeeding mothers have demonstrated that there is significant and documented risk to the infant based on human experience or it is a medication that has a high risk of causing significant damage to an infant The risk of using the drug in breastfeeding women clearly outweighs any possible benefit from breastfeeding The drug is contraindicated in women who are breastfeeding an infant

Side Effects Of Avifloxm

Nausea stomach upset skin rash acute toxicity

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