Radiation Protection Division
Information About Radiation Protection Division
About Radiation Protection Division :
Radiation Protection Division is a health related organization- Federal Government. It is also known as Radiation Protection Division, Office Of Radiation And Indoor Air, U.s. Environmental Protection Agency
Address Of Radiation Protection Division :
Radiation Protection Division, 1200 Pennsylvania Ave. Nw, Mc 6608j, Washington, Dc 20460-0001.
Contact Information Of Radiation Protection Division Is :
Phone Number :
(202) 343-9290 (202) 343-2304 (Fax)
Email Address :
Web Address :
Main Activity Of Radiation Protection Division
-: Radiation has existed everywhere in the environment since the earth’s formation, in rocks, soil, water, and plants.
-: The mining and processing of naturally occurring radioactive materials for use in medicine, power generation, consumer products, and industry inevitably generate emissions and waste.
-: Recognizing the potential hazards of these activities, Congress designated EPA as the primary federal agency charged with protecting people and the environment from harmful and avoidable exposure to radiation.
-: Through the Radiation Protection Division, EPA carries out its radiation protection goals of: preparing for and responding to radiation emergencies; reducing exposures through sound environmental radiation regulations; providing scientific and technical expertise for management of radioactive waste and contaminated media; developing and providing credible information to make effective risk-management decisions about radiation; promoting responsible management of natural and man-made radiation sources and materials and encourage safer alternatives; and fostering a workplace that meets current and future challenges of radiation protection.
Other Activities Of Radiation Protection Division
Recognizing the potential hazards of these activities, Congress designated EPA as the primary federal agency charged with protecting people and the environment from harmful and avoidable exposure to radiation.
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